About Us | Brickfy

About us

If you're here, we hope it's because you're interested in Brickfy and want to know more about our company, or maybe you just want to get an idea of who's behind this project. We're happy to tell you, of course!

What is Brickfy?

Bricks diversification

Brickfy is an Estonian financial technology company that offers a marketplace to invest in business and property-backed loans.

Our mission is helping our users to build their financial future by making investing in P2P lending profitable, simple, efficient and safe.

A platform where retail investors can invest easily and transparent in loans originated by a variety of alternative lending companies all around the world. An international online marketplace for loans with an Avg. IRR 12.97%.

Our Team

We are working hard to bring you the best service and products possible.

Juancho Arregui - Brick image
Juancho Arregui
FerNaNdo Palma - Brick image
FerNaNdo Palma

A tool for investors by investors

Brickfy is a tool created for investors and our aim is helping our users to build their financial future by offering them:

  • High returns on their savings
  • Increased security through diversification
  • Saving time by being able to invest from a single website
  • Easy access to the market

A platform of platforms that allows investors the convenience of investing in different lending platforms from a single website and manage their portfolio in a centralized but diversified way.

Brickfy, a tool for investors


Brickfy has been selected in different startup competitions such as the Santander Tomorrow Challenge, in which it was selected as a finalist among more than 1,700 startups, or the WiseGuys and SeedRocket training programs for startups, in which Brickfy was selected to participate among more than 200 candidates.

Finalist - Santander X Challenge 2020


Banco Santander

X Challenge 2020

Seleted - Startup Wise Guys Online Fintech Program


Startup Wise Guys

Online Fintech Program 2020

Seleted - SeedRocket Startup Homeschool 2021



Startup Homeschool 2021

Company authorized as a Financial Institution

We truly believe in the need of regulation for the lending market, so the first thing we did was to get a license as a financial institution. Company authorized as a Financial Institution by the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit.

Logo Financial Inspection Unit
Company Name:

Brick and Mortar Digital Assets OÜ

Registry code:




Issuing authority:

FIU - Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit - Politsei

Area of Activity:

Financial Institution

Type of Activity:

Borrowing and Lending operations

Operating Licence:

Contact Us

Do not hesitate to contact us

How can we help you?