Diversify your portfolio
Diversify your portfolio in a convenient and efficient way in our marketplace, investing in different types of assets, different lending platforms, different loan originators and a wide range of countries. Thus reducing geographic and sector risk and also avoiding the concentration of risk in a single Platform.
Invest in different crowdlending platforms with a single registration and manage your portfolio in a centralized but diversified way from a single website.
Our Investment Opportunities
Investment Risk Disclosures:
Your capital is at risk. Investing involves risk, including loss of principal.
The services that the Platform offers are not investment services under the Markets in financial Instruments Act, the Law on Public Offering of Securities or other legal/normative acts that regulate the activities of investment intermediaries. The funds invested via the Platform are not deposits and therefore they are neither protected by the law, nor their return is guaranteed. The Platform’s activity is not legislatively regulated by laws concerning investment brokers.