Project: Loan For The Improvement Of Shiitake Mushrooms Production Process - Platform: Heavy Finance | Brickfy

Loan for the improvement of Shiitake mushrooms production process


Finished: fully repaid!

General Information






Financial Information





14.50 %




Important Dates





About the project

We invite you to invest in a new great project of a family business that proves how making the right decisions on time and with a little support of investments can help expand from a small business with the prospect of growing into a big one. Shiitake is an edible mushroom native to East Asia that is grown and consumed around the world. This mushroom is used not only as food but also as medicine. It is said that shiitake helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, cleanses the blood, has a positive effect on potency, promotes vitality. It is a source of valuable substances with eight amino acids, ergosterol, protein, vitamin B6.

In 2014, Sara and Nuno decided to start a small Shiitake mushroom production adventure on family land that has been proudly passed down by their ancestor's generation by generation. They have been growing Shitake mushrooms in oak logs. Although oak is a more expensive option, they believed that it provided a better taste, texture, and look to the mushrooms. In 2020 the wood naturally started to become exhausted and in need of replacement. With their experience, they saw this as an opportunity to optimize their production, and so they changed the production method in January of 2021 to inoculated substrate logs that are kept frozen until the moment of thermal shock and production. This method has advantages. One of them is better production control during pandemic and confinement periods because it allows it to halt production by keeping them frozen, without the deterioration of the logs that happens with oak. 

The pandemic and investment in new mushroom growing technology affected the negative results on the profit line in the company’s balance sheet, but the first half of 2021 brought excellent results, so it was decided to invest and expand production further. 

The 9.900 euros of loan needed for working capital will be used to increase their production: buying more inoculated substrate logs, and expanding the irrigation system. 

Annual interest

Fixed-rate 14.5 % 

Security measures of the loan

Sole accountability

Financial information


2020: 14.626,44€

2019: 9.990,80€

Net profit

2020: -13.830,77€

2019: -4.703,25€

Equity ratio

2020: -15,36%

2019: 14,69%

The Interest will be paid monthly.

Payment Calendar Table

Former payment schedule prior to its amendment dated 2022-09-29